We are very proud to announce that Sam Kettlewell, Change the Cycle Founder, has been elected to the Youth Work NSW Committee for 2022.
The primary objectives of the Association are:
to support the Youth Work profession in NSW by creating opportunities for Youth Workers to organise and to share their practice;
developing key statements like the Definition and the Code of Ethics;
supporting high quality training and education for youth workers;
and helping the community understand how youth workers in their communities are supporting young people, often without a lot of publicity or recognition.
Congratulations to the Youth Work NSW Committee 2022:
Howard Sercombe - General Secretary
Michelle Comito - Convenor
Sarah Callaghan
Maddy Forwood
Russell Ingram
Sam Kettlewell
Elaine Yallop
Kaz Zinnetti
We look forward to working with this amazing group in 2022.
For more information head to https://www.youthworknsw.org.au